Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Blackthorn and Unbound

Why choose Unbound?

The reason we chose Unbound as our publisher is because we wanted to try the crowdfunding experience instead of going down the self-publishing route (which we may have). It was an interesting opportunity to see if they would accept our idea as a hybrid publisher. As you can imagine, it was an exciting day for us when we were!
There is no telling whether Blackthorn would have been chosen by a traditional publisher since Unbound is the first 'curtain-call', so to speak. Being a fantasy assassin book, we thought it would hit a wider audience, since we knew they are both genres that are quite popular. But, the road hasn't been easy, and we're still struggling with funding.

For the past few weeks many of the books on Unbound have come to a standstill in relation to funding. Could this be because Unbound aren't doing enough to advertise them? Is the audience simply not there, or is it because they feel that their money is better worth spent? Simply put, there is no way of knowing for sure why funding has started to dry up, despite there being various levels of pledges and rewards.
One thing I have noticed for new authors joining on Unbound, is that their book will automatically be only a digital version. Is this because Unbound are playing it safe? I know for a fact that the books with paperback or hardback options, for instance, The Book of Bera: Sea Paths, or Tatterdemalion, have a better chance of publishing because people feel that their pledges get them something in their hands, whereas those that don't, have to find different, alternative means of enticement.
I know that Unbound took a risk in accepting Blackthorn, and because of this, we are grateful. They publish books they believe, and they believed in Blackthorn. Join us to help our dreams become a reality and change how the future of books are published.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Blackthorn: the second draft

While the road to completion seems long and the ending never in sight, we have been endeavouring to make Blackthorn the strongest it can be, and it definitely hasn't been without its complications. Having to work around our jobs and finding time in between hasn't been easy, and  having four dogs in the house makes it even harder to find places to work on it without being disturbed by their incessant barking! That said, we have made quite good progress, in spite of all these.

By the time Blackthorn has finally finished, it will include a number of dynamic characters that will keep you gripped and excited till the very end (think Game of Thrones).
In addition to writing, we have also been busy doing artwork for Blackthorn, and offer character portraits and landscape scenes from the book as part of our pledges on Unbound:

As well as Blackthorn being in the works, we have recently had our debut novel, Dawn of the Awakening, proofread and are thinking of redoing the front cover to better capture the essence of the story and its characters.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Fellow Authors and Readers. . . . Or Eveyone!

Welcome to the 'shed' (as Unbound call it) or our blog where we'll keep you up to date on our recent projects, namely Blackthorn, our fantasy assassin novel (hence the blog's name), which we are currently working on and crowdfunding through Unbound. If you haven't heard of them, we have a dedicated page about who they are and how it works!
We were so delighted to have been chosen by Unbound (who responded in just four weeks from an eight week waiting period!) that we nearly cried with joy! We were so happy that we decided to celebrate with wine!

To be honest, I never thought we were going to be chosen, as my sister (also a writer, who is now crowdfunding her book, Soulblade: Forgotten Souls, on Inkshares), after coming to the end of the eight week period, was turned down. The bad news brought her down, but just as quickly, she researched into Inkshares, which is an American version of Unbound, and was accepted there.

It feels daunting and scary having to work to a deadline, but this experience is a BIG leap and a HUGE learning curve for us both.

It has been about a month so far since our book was put onto their site and we haven't seen too much action in the way of pledges, so please, if you or your friends and family are interested, make a pledge and have your name in the book! There is also limited edition artwork available, so don't miss out!

You can help make this book happen. Please share it and encourage your friends and followers to share it, too.

Thank you for reading and your support!

Friday, 18 March 2016

Thank You Ian Skewis!

Twitter - "I just pledged to Blackthorn by Amanda Lloyd Jennings and Samantha Jennings on Unbound! via "

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Please share and help us to publish!
Blackthorn has reached 4% funding thanks to your help and support! But we are not there yet!
Unbound is a crowdfunding book publisher which relies upon the public support to decide which books are published.
We are a mother and daughter team of writers who are writing a fantasy about a spy/assassin called Blackthorn who, when his family is murdered, seeks revenge and enters a different world to accomplish it.
There is limited edition prints of the characters and scenes from the book on offer as well as the e-book with your name in it, or a collection of artwork as well. It is really up to you, the public, to determine if this will go through to be published.
The first chapter of Blackthorn can be read for free here at:
Thank you for taking the time to read this.